I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that, like me, you have experienced at least a handful of DIY beauty treatment disasters. Beauty bloggers sure have a way of making all those fruit/oatmeal/salt/oil masks seem like the best thing to happen to our skin since Botox — and some of the hair treatments seem like we'll be getting the great coif of hair that looks like we're ready for our closeup in Hollywood; but the end result is typically a huge mess and a pile of disappointment. But don't give up on homemade care just yet!!! Its all about finding the right recipes for YOU. Just remember, when using natural solutions, sometimes it takes a bit to adjust, and finding the right recipe/beauty routine that works for you. So with that said - lets venture on. You're hair is really just protein - one called Keratin. A great way to strengthen your hair is with more protein. This gelatin mask gives moisturizing boost, thanks to the coconut milk and pumpkin. Pumpkin Promotes Hair Growth: Pumpkin is a rich source of minerals including potassium and zinc. Potassium helps in keeping hair healthy and improve re-growth. Zinc helps maintain collagen and thus play an important role in promoting healthy hair. It also contains folate, an important B vitamin that stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation.
Now, I'm not above using the very thing I put in my hair on my skin as a mask as well. After all its all healthy, and it has great benefits. For example, in this recipe -
The pumpkin can help greatly with the treatment of dry skin.
It has anti-aging properties; it's a good source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and also contains beta-carotene which helps to reverse UV damage and improve skin texture. It helps to promote the production of collagen, thus improving your skin tone and elasticity. It protects the skin from radical damage which is responsible for causing wrinkles and even skin cancer. It can also help treat dark spots on your skin. It helps treat Acne; is a good source of B vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, B6 and folate. Niacin improves circulation, and hence, is beneficial in treating acne. And folate helps to increase circulation, which improves cell turnover and renewal.

HAIR MASK RECIPE (works great on skin!)
**1/2 Cup coconut milk
1 TBSP Gelatin (lots of collagen- Great Lakes Collagen Hydrosolate)
1 TBSP Honey (like Humectant)
2 TBSP Pumpkin Beechnut Baby Food
**If allergic to coconut substitute with Goats Milk (or you can skip it, but the fat really helps!) Goats milk actually makes an excellent shampoo/conditioner.
Combine the coconut milk and gelatin in a small saucepan. Heat mixture over low heat, whisking until all the gelatin dissolves.

Take the pan OFF the heat. Whisk in the honey and pumpkin puree - its full of moisturizing vitamins, beta-carotene, potassium, and zinc.
Let it cool until lukewarm. Saturate your hair with the mixture - let sit on hair for 10-15 minutes. DO NOT LET IT DRY ON YOUR HAIR OR IT WILL BE REALLY DIFFICULT TO REMOVE - IT'S LIKE CEMENT!!! I put it on right before I hop in the shower and leave it on and rinse out at the end of my shower.
I just about knocked myself into anaphylaxis laughing my butt off at my husband who chose to leave it on several HOURS!!!

Rinse your hair thoroughly and follow with your shampoo routine (additional conditioner if needed).
Add to it 1 tsp Lemon Juice and 1 tsp vitamin E oil after you put some on your hair.
Original Recipe:
1 TBSP Pumpkin, 1 TBSP coconut oil or honey, 1 tsp lemon juice, and 1 tsp vitamin E.
Note: Not sure how Vit E will do in hair - YET! Lemon Juice can be good for those with Blonde hair to keep your coif blonde- but it can also dry or cause reactions too. Citric Acid is a trigger and a hapten.

Manuka Honey is well known for going in skin care - and if you're not allergic to Honey you can use it just plain jane as a great facial mask. Four of the main skin-saving properties of honey.
Acne: Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it's great for acne treatment and prevention.
Aging: Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down aging.
Complexion boost: It is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a glow.
Pores: Honey is clarifying because it opens up pores making them easy to unclog. Love and Light Happy Healing!