Inflammation: Mitochondrial Damage
The role of mitochondria helps with DNA maintenance, stress response, production of energy for the cell (ATP), cell death and metabolism. The produce 90% of the chemical energy the cells need to live. Interruption or corruption of the process can cause systemic affects that include immune function, cell development and growth, among others.
However, recent science reveals that the mitochondria also plays a central role in pro-inflammatory signaling of the innate immune system (mast cells) and triggering the inflammatory response.
Mitochondrial dysfunctions have been related to severe chronic inflammatory disorders. However, addressing mitochondrial dysfunction and restoring back to normal mitochondrial physiology could represent both preventative and therapeutic strategies for various pathologies related to chronic or severe inflammation.
What affects Mitochondria:

Drugs (including pharmaceuticals), pollutants, allergens, certain genetic differences, dead virus vaccinations (like the flu shot), diet, exercise, age and chemical overload and non-chemical stressors (like stress), oxidative stress; can all affect mitochondria and the toxicity from those stressors can cause mitochondrial damage.

How to heal Mitochondria?
In order to get a handle of mitochondrial issues, All items in the cycle of illness will have to be addressed to make this happen, but there are 3 general rules to help correct mitochondrial damage.

Reduce toxins, and detox.
Exercise: ‘GET MOVING’! even slow gentle exercise like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, general Yoga, walking… is enough to help stimulate growth of new mitochondria, and help detox the body.
Proper Nutrition. You need to stabilize sugar intake, increase good fats, cut the toxic fats, increase plant foods rich in phytonutrients, high fiber and prebiotics (if tolerated).This may require to try new foods that you wouldn’t have considered ever eating before.
We’ll be diving more into mitochondria in the next video. We’ll also discuss how to bring your mitochondria back to homeostasis or health.
As we progress further through the cycle of illness, you’ll really start to see how all these tiny details like the by-products, chemicals, cross reactions, etc all interlink with the other items in the cycle of illness; and create a picture of your individual biochemistry and how it affects genetic expression and your health.
Please See Inflammation: Methylation for the next paper/video in the series.
Other papers on Mitochondria:
Love and Light,
Happy Healing