Breaking the Cycle of Illness
What if I told you there was a way to heal.
Not just treat the symptoms with endless pharmaceuticals, but to actually heal the illness itself and live a better quality of life?
You'd want to know how to do it right??

There's lots of information out there on what mast cells are, what many disorders are, what autoimmune diseases are, and how to treat them; along with many websites where patients can support each other with what worked for them - but I wanted to focus on the ROOT CAUSES creating them in the first place. Find the root cause(s), correct it /heal it, and the rest WILL follow - and it all can be done pretty naturally. Some things you may need help with, and need medications... and with that said, DO NOT TAKE YOURSELF OFF YOUR MEDICATIONS - YOU MAY NEED THEM TO MAKE A FULL RECOVERY!! ALWAYS CHECK AND TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!
Not all of us have the exact same biochemistry. We're all like delicate little snowflakes, and each one of us is uniquely different. We each have different deficiencies, excesses, lifestyles, and genetic variations that affect our overall health.
In today's society we rely on medications to heal us. Emergency medicine is extremely good - no arguments there. Hands down, its the best. Its chronic Illness however, is where western medicine tends to fall short.
We have a plethora of drugs that doctors can prescribe - and its usually trial and error before you find one that works for you. However, those drugs either hijack, stimulate or suppress things in the body, causing different chain reactions and more problems down the road; only masking the symptoms while the damage in your body continues.

So sometimes, in order to heal we have to go back to the very beginning and work the problem backwards and see the larger picture. We can't know how to fix it, if we don't know where our body / biochemistry has been, and what the genetic code written in our DNA is doing - until we go looking for it.
I like to call it Biohacking - working the problem backwards and healing ourselves by understanding exactly how all the processes in the body are working. Once you figure that out, you can begin your journey to healing.
You may have heard me say, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Well, in our body the

same holds true!! Its governed by the same laws of physics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics that governs our universe.
So these reactions can be neutral, positive, or negative. What we're trying to do is bring the body back into homeostasis (good health) and correct the excesses, the deficiencies, and the toxic by-products of processes that have turned harmful to our bodies.
And it CAN BE DONE!!! And I'm going to show you how to do it!!! But first we have to learn it....
So I am going to post my first several videos here, with the understanding there are more videos to complete.
I need you to understand, though, with these videos its best to watch them in order and all the way thru, because I continuously build upon the information to help create an image for you of how it ALL FITS TOGETHER!!
It all comes back to the Cycle of Illness either directly or indirectly. In this series I'm trying as hard as I can to make it as easy to understand as possible, but its a tough subject to tackle and make into short videos - in what in reality, would take several YEARS to teach everything.
I've done my best to leave no stone unturned. However, I realize there is ALWAYS more to learn, but I wanted to make these and share with you what I've discovered in my quest to heal myself and my family - which then grew to helping as many people as I could.
I know there is a lot of skepticism, but I've done the research, conducted the experiments, talked to hundreds of patients... I'm not a doctor, but I've got 45+ years of dealing with this personally and spending much time in hospitals. Learning, studying, talking to doctors and patients. I worked for NASA, and the USAF solving some of the toughest problems in our day... and in my eyes, when the docs told me the only thing I could do was take dozens of meds and just learn to live with it and move on??...... I accepted that as a personal challenge to solve it myself. And it wasn't easy! (it still isn't)

This is 10 years worth of scientific research that I'm going to try to teach in short videos. So please keep in mind I'm teaching the bigger overall picture, because everything flows from that. You will find there's even far more information on the slides that I didn't necessarily explain because:
A picture says a thousand words
The videos would never be done, and we'd be sitting in a lecture hall every day for over a year in order to cover EVERYTHING for EVERYONE.
But I've done my best to make it short and easy to understand and to cover as much as possible. Please know, I haven't covered EVERYTHING, but they ALL fall under the larger subjects, and I will get to them through different papers and videos in due course.
(please pause the videos to get the full extent of information I crammed into the slides, pictures etc)
I'm trying to give you the best understanding I can, so when faced with certain issues, you'll know what's happening in the body and how to work with it and heal it. We have to learn to walk before we can run.
Its basically the same idea, as "I can give you fish and feed you for a day, or I can teach you to fish and feed you for a lifetime."
So that's why I don't just break into "DO THIS, DO THAT, ABRACADABRA- YOU'RE HEALED!!" Our biochemistry's are all different. I do understand that's what some folks really want, but doing that without completely understanding what's happening in the body and why... can make things a whole lot worse for you if you try the wrong thing.

There are lots and lots of vitamins, supplements, and OTC remedies, but I focus primarily the ones that will give you the biggest bang for your buck. IE, do you the most good and are governed with very strict quality control procedures. I need you to understand that most OTC items are not always bioavailable and can have toxic elements/ingredients in them. So its extremely important to get as much as you can from your food.
The ones I DO talk about are the most natural, and usually specifically tailored for mast cell patients. MAST CELLS ARE THE MASTER SWITCH TO YOUR ENTIRE IMMUNE SYSTEM!! So taking care of those mast cells is job number ONE in healing - no matter your condition!!

Never in a million years when I started this project did I think I'd be able to find the common denominators to all autoimmune issues and chronic illness. But you don't have to just take my word for it - I backed it up with science and peer reviewed PHD papers. I knew if I came to the conclusion - someone else had to as well - and it wasn't always easy to find it.
As more videos come out, I'll be updating this post with the new videos, but you can find all the material I post on Facebook "Living Better with Mast Cells, AutoImmune, and Chronic Illness" or my blog
KNOW THAT YOU CAN HEAL!!! All is not can have a better quality of life and I'm here to help as much as I can.
I make nothing doing this... no sponsors.... NADA. All I get out of this is your happy, brilliant, beautiful smiles as you start to heal and start LIVING again. - and believe IT CAN BE DONE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
I've reversed cancer (on myself) and healed what I was told "couldn't be healed;" I've seen others reverse Alzheimers to a more stable level and halted its progression, brain atrophy, autism, MS, diabetes, and many others. Knowing that, I worked extra hard to find all the ways that other folks did it, and also looked for the root causes behind our illnesses to try to create a way for us to heal. You cant fix what's gone, but you can heal what's damaged. There are many variables, like age for example, that determine how long it will take, and how much you can reverse.
There will be set backs, issues, even some tears; but in the end, if you stick with it - IT'LL ALL BE WORTH IT!! But it has to be a permanent lifestyle change, otherwise you'll start reverting back to illness. I have so so much to teach and show you. So stay tuned for the many additional videos, the posted research, along with other videos I got from the experts themselves (so you don't just have to take my word for it). We WILL beat this together!! It CAN BE DONE!! Don't give up!!
P.S. Please understand, that this is ongoing research and I'm making these as fast as possible, but sometimes it takes time to follow all the leads, and go all the way down the many rabbit holes. I want to be thorough - not just for me and my family but for you as well. I have just as much invested in this as you do. So science sometimes can't be rushed.
The Cycle of Illness Part 1:
The Cycle Of Illness Part 2:
Histamine and 7 Steps to Fix it:
DAO - Diamine Oxidase (Companion to Histamine)
Inflammation - What Causes It and How to Fix It
My Mast Cell Story:
Please check my blog for papers on all the subjects, and papers on Methylation (Parts 1, 2, 3) and How You Know You Need Methylation Support.
Also Mitochondria and How to fix it.
Stay tuned for more videos and papers.
Love and Light,
Happy Healing
May you all have a Blessed Holiday Season and may 2021 bring you renewed hope, health, and healing.