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"Magic Masto Lotion" Recipes

The name of this lotion does not do it justice — it’s better than magic.

Listed below - I have 3 different recipes for helping to rid yourself of the blasted itching and other skin 'anomolies' thanks to many diagnosis'.

This was originally created just for Mastocyctosis patients by 'out of the box' thinkers (my favorite kind).

However, its becoming more popular with anyone with chronic illness, autoimmune issues, histamine issues, or multiple food/chemical sensitivities.

It doesn't 'JUST' help mast cell patients - hense MAGIC LOTION!! But if you do have a mast cell issue - its NOTICEABLY magic!

The cromolyn helps prevent inflammatory cell release which raises inflammation, which in turn raises histamine, mitochondrial damage, methylation cycle inbalances etc.

(When I finish the video I'm working on - you'll understand why that's so important to US ALL!)

Nancy Gould, is a US born nurse with systemic mastocytosis living in New Zealand. She developed a recipe for a lotion to apply to the skin (seeing its our biggest organ) which would help the “itchies” go away and increase the amount of cromolyn in her system.

What she came up with was a happy accident!! Gotta love happy accidents!! They lead to amazing discoveries like this!! The cromolyn reduces the inflammation, and other issues (like histamine and others listed above), the glycerin is really good at conditioning and moisturizing your skin, and the creams are great at protecting and locking it in the skin.

Thank you, Nancy, for sharing!

The Original Recipe for “Magic Masto Lotion”

1 tsp glycerin

¹⁄4 cup of Vanicream** (ordered from the pharmacist, approximately US $15 for a 1-lb. tub)

5 ampules (tubes) of Gastrocrom or 500 mg of cromolyn powder (keep reading for additional info)

Vanicream can be ordered from the pharmacist. It costs about $15 for a 1-lb. tub.

Other thick lotions may also work. Suggestions people have shared for other lotions are:

Trader Joe’s has a moisturizing cream that is thick and does not have mineral oil or lanolin, runs approximately $3.99

Desert Essence daily essential face moisturizer is a face cream that might also be a good option due to the thickness. It has no colors or synthetic perfumes, detergents, animal fat, animal ingredients or testing, runs approximately $4.

Aqueous Cream can also be gotten from your pharmacist. There is a thick base that is used for mixing preparations of water-based or water soluble medicines. It is definitely no-frills, with no perfume or color. If you mix it with Gastrocrom, it should turn into a somewhat manageable lotion.

These are a few of my personal favorites in order of preference, along with Olive oil (natural histamine and mast cell stabilizer **IF** you're not allergic to salicylates)... My top 2 are the olive oil (coconut oil if on face), and ERA Organics.

ERA Organics Relief can be purchased from Amazon and works great as a lotion or as a magic lotion for about $20.

Andalou Naturals 1000 roses Heavenly Night Cream (sensitive) on Amazon for about $13-15.

Lily Ann Naturals Rose and Pomegranite Face Cream. On Amazon for approx $19

Gastrocrom (Cromolyn Sodium)

Is a prescription that will have to be written by your doctor. It comes 96 plastic vials, or ampules, to a box. If your pharmacist can get the powdered form of cromolyn (Nalcrom), it makes a more manageable cream.

If you cannot get Gastrocrom, here are two recipes for making MML lotion — one using NasalCrom, which is available in the United States over the counter (OTC), and another using Nalcrom, a powdered form of Gastrocrom that is available outside the US:

Recipe for “Magic Masto Lotion” using OTC NasalCrom®

NasalCrom® is an over-the-counter nasal spray that contains cromolyn.

2 tsp glycerin

1/2 cup of Vanicream or other thick lotion

1 whole bottle (0.44 fl. oz. size – 13 ml.) of NasalCrom®

NALCROM powdered Cromolyn Magic Masto Lotion (by prescription only)

Nalcrom is the prescription powder form of Cromolyn and can be added to lotions.

1 ½ ounces (just less than ¼ cup) Vanicream, or other mild skin cream

1 teaspoon Glycerin

Five 100mg capsules of Nalcrom

Mix, allow to sit 20 minutes, and mix again.

DK's Magic Masto Lotion

Making Large Batch:

1 Shot Olive Oil (or coconut if putting on face)

1 Entire Package of Gastrocrom

Several drops of pure Jason's Vitamin- E

2 tsp vegetable glycerin (not necessary with olive oil)

Let soak into skin for approx 10-20 minutes, then top with a lotion (usually ERA organics) to help absorb what ever oil is left on the skin and lock it in.

For SINGLE Batch: (Rule of thumb - Olive oil for Body, Coconut oil for Face)

In palm of your hand;

1 dab of coconut oil or olive oil

1/4 ampule of gastrocrom,

1 drop of vitamin E.

Rub together and put on.

The options are endless - its about finding out what works best for YOU!!

For More Information Please Visit MastoKids MML and is another excellent resource.

Love and Light,

Happy Healing

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