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This week I’ll be going in depth and explaining Methylation, its traits, its hiccups, and natural ways to improve it so you can start feeling a LOT better. It’s a big complex subject, so we’re going to break it down into parts each day until we get through it all.

In science, methylation means the addition of a methyl group on an atom OR it substitutes the atom.

So what does this mean?

Making too much or not enough of methyl impairs our biochemistry reeking havoc on our bodies, our moods, and behaviors. Methylation is CRUCIAL to our happiness, health, and well being.

Today Methylation issues have become quite popular due to foods we eat, environmental toxins, emotional trauma, hereditary, and (drum roll please) STRESS!! Plenty of that in the world these days!

So lets look at what it is, first; then get to the issues it causes and how to help it so you can start feeling better. (We can’t know where we’re going if we don’t know where we’ve been – err or what’s been going on in our bodies)

A methyl group is one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms –CH3 (see picture below)


The picture represents one Carbon molecule (C). Then three Hydrogen molecules (H). The (R) is the reaction. This represents one methyl group.

In ‘the chemistry of our bodies’ there are hundreds of cellular processes that involve methylation, a chemical reaction in which a methyl group is attached to an atom, molecule, or substance (such as protein or DNA)

When a methyl group is detached, the reaction is called de-methylation. Methylation and de-methylation act like an on/off switch for molecules. They signal the molecules to activate, deactivate, and allow other chemical reactions to occur, or to perform a function.

It’s a constant process that is going on through out your body.

Area’s that require methylation:

Dna & Genes

Aging Process

Liver Detoxification pathways

Hormone metabolism

Neurotransmitter synthesis and elimination

Energy production paths


Methylation (especially DNA Methylation) is profoundly connected to mental health. For example: if serotonin is not properly methylated, it will become inactive, which means it will lead to depression.


Bipolar disorder, behavior and learning disorders- ADHD/ADD, atism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autoimmune Diseases, cancer, depression, high anxiety, OCD, perfectionism, panic disorders, addictions, PMS, chemical and food sensitivities, amenorrhea (no menstruation), infertility, hair loss, violent behavior, hypothyroidism, skin rashes, headaches, insomnia, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) sensitive skin, spaciness, racing thoughts, arthritis, asthma, allergies, weight gain, weight loss, chronic infections, diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pulmonary Embolism, Addictive Behaviors, Autism, Frequent miscarriages, Atherosclerosis, Spina Bifida, Multiple Sclerosis, Hashimoto’s, Neuropathy, Lupus like diseases, Anaemia, renal dysfunction….



Common symptoms of under-methylation are history of high accomplishment, perfectionism, OCD, and ritualistic behaviors. “Most “ people with symptoms of under-methylation are highly motivated. Striving for greater levels of career accomplishement. Despite your achievements you still suffer from a severe inner turmoil, yet remain calm on the outside. You’re a perfectionist where no detail goes un-noticed. You have addictive tendancies where you get stuck on one thought, thing, food, or drink that can drive you nuts.

For example, I tend to get get an idea about something or start doing something and I can’t stop till its done even if my body is protesting. I just tell myself, a little more, just a little more – and before you know it, its several hours later and you just finished and now you’re laid out flat because you did too much. One of those addictive traits I have is sugar/mountain dew. Its my Mount Everest. I know its bad for me and I DON’T EVER want to drink it again, but if I have ONE… I can’t stop for like a month or more. It drives me nuts. You HAVE to have it all costs due to not enough activity in the synapse. For me the item changes to whatever it is I’m hung up on at the moment, whether tv, food, certain activity, having to look/be perfect… etc

What is your Mount Everest??

Traits continued: History of competiveness in sports, social isolation, phobias, seasonal inhalant allergies, good response to antihistamines, very strong willed, good response to SSRI’s, low tolerance for pain, excess tears or saliva,

tendency toward slenderness, frequent headaches, delusions (thought disorder), poor concentration endurance.

Now there are some variables where you may not have a couple of these – it can be indicative of the severity of the under methylation or a separate variable like the type of condition you have and/or the meds you take, and your particular biochemistry (body chemistry unique to you).

Under-methylation is formally referred to as Histadelia. Many under-methylated people tend to be doctors, lawyers, educators, scientists… etc who strive for high career accomplishment.

Many under-methylaters will be diagnosed with mental illness which can be associated with dangerously low serotonin activity.


Called Histapenia, it includes depression, head and neck pain, tendancy to ruminate on thoughts. They tend to have elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low blood histamine, and low absolute basophils. Anxiety and depression are the main symptoms of over-methylation, and at times the symtpms can be severe enough to cause a state of confusion.

Creativity tends to be one of the biggest traits of over-methylation. Academically they tend to excel in areas of high interest and lag in other areas.

Good Example: Extremely smart child that scores high 90’s on standardized tests, but you can’t get them to turn in their homework, so their grades are average to poor despite their intelligence.

Most over-methylated people tend to be very passionate individuals and are often self sacrificing. These people can be attracted to professions and hobbies like Music, the Arts, theater, acting, social services or causes, and philosophy. Sometimes they can be viewed as under-achievers but they are best characterized as individuals that march to the beat of their own drum.

Common Health symptoms: paranoia, depression, artistic or musical ability, upperbody/neck/head pain, heavy body hair (men and women –chest and facial). Food/chemical sensitivies, sleep disorder, adverse reaction to estrogen therapy, adverse reaction to anti-histamines, does better with benzodiazepines (not always –its unique to you!) Self mutilation (tattoos/piercings), adverse reactons to SSRI’s, low motivation, high pain threshold, ruminations (mind has hard time shutting off), high anxiety, panic tendancy, pacing or constant movement, adverse reaction to SAMe, and can over react to life experiences.

The most common symptoms are anxiety and depression. Over methylation often correlates with high levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Most people have an adverse reaction to serotonin enhancing substances such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, St Johns Wart and SAMe (ie anti-depressants). They generally do better on diets rich in folate and other B vitamins.

We’ve discussed what Methylation is and the differences between over-methylation and under-methylation. However, I can’t stress enough the importance of getting tested to find out if you’re over/under. You may think you’re one or the other but based on the symptoms above. For example, I relate mostly to Over-Methylation but I have a mast cell issue which is HIGH in Histamine. I struggled through school, but worked hard and did well. However I also identify with Under-Methylation cuz I’ve been a high achiever – working in the U.S. Air Force, STRONG WILLED, and worked for NASA.

So you there are certain variables within the diagnosis that differs from everyone that is unique to you. So the ONLY true way to absolutely find out if you’re over/under is to see your doctor and get tested to find out exactly what biotype you are or your supplements/vitamins or certain things you implement to help could wind up making you worse.

Trust me, its far easier to get tested than to try to figure it out yourself. However if you take the long painful route, you’ll learn after repeated attempts and realizing you can’t have x, y, z because they cause a, b, c.

When it comes to methylation, you either don’t make enough, make too much, or make just the right amount. There are a myriad of variables within each biotype (your individual body chemistry). Determining methylation status is not just about chemistry but also about understanding yourself as a person. And a combined range of functional and diagnostic testing is the best way to figure out the perfect nutrient protocols you need to be on.

If you resonate with any of these please feel free to share your story so we can eliminate guilt, shame, and create a community of love and understanding.

Love and Light

Happy Healing

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