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Over the past few years I've been doing extensive research, trial and error... and I've made some shocking discoveries. I've tried to figure out on how to best be delicate and precise on how to tell you -but keep it easy to understand.

As a vet, someone who believes in our freedoms of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.... our health is part of that. I personally, am ridiculously angry about it because it affects our quality of life, our health... and they still prescribe them like candy.

I've gone from trusting western medicine for a couple decades to realizing and finding new ways to help ourselves in a more natural way. I've read count after count of others who have taken this approach because it was their last option.

This is for all chronic health sufferers. Not just mast cell patients. Time and time again I've read accounts on people who have switched to clean living, clean eating, clean thinking and made miraculous recoveries. Maybe not all the way - but their condition improved drastically and they had a much better quality of life.

I had trouble proving my theories till I talked to some pharmacists and followed the pathology of the drugs. Most info out there was anecdotal. The govt testing - well, I worked for the govt. I know for a fact not everything can be trusted.

I also knew it to be true because I was able to come off many (if not all) of my drugs... but if I was exposed to something I had no control over (like Red Tide, flu season, menstration etc) - it was back to the staring line to do it all over again. Its exhausting and frustrating, but necessary.

Now I'm not saying take only my word for it - do your research about your specific drugs and how they impact you specifically. And I'm NOT saying you should stop taking them cuz doing so can be dangerous. So you need to talk to your doctor/s.

You also need to hold your ground with the docs and not let them bully you. You CAN demand better - remember you're paying them to help you. You're in the drivers seat... not them.

I'll try to explain this as simple and delicately as I can - But tact wasn't always my strong suit. I try to stay away from some of the super science and math when explaining this because most of us glaze over it and have no idea what that sentence meant. I've been there too!

So lets begin...

Many of us take: 1. Anti-depressants 2. Anxiety Meds 3. Sleeping meds 4. Migraine meds (triptans) 5. Certain anti-inflammatories

Many of these meds ACTUALLY make your mast cell condition worse by lowering or hijacking your bodies natural pathways to deal with the illness.

For example - many of us take triptans (myself Rizatriptan). They're used for cluster headaches (caused by histamine buildup or histamine intolerance) and migraines.

I couldn't figure out why I always had that 'medicine hangover' when taking these particular meds. Just figured that was 'part of it' or an unfortunate side effect.

One day I figured out the "why".

Here's an example...

In your gut you have DAO enzymes - that is what processes your histamine buildup and keeps you from going into Histamine overload. If you're DAO is extremely low you can't process the histamine building up in your gut. Then you get the horrible gut bloat that makes you look 9 mo pregnant and other symptoms are to follow as well. Low DAO can be hereditary; however, many of our processed, chemical laden foods/products also damage the bodies ability to continue the natural processes and pathways to keep our bodies in balance and healthy. And that's not just for DAO - its for all chronic health sufferers.

Lets take triptans - Now with the triptans - what happens is when you take a it - it actually lowers the DAO enzyme. (Why many of you have anaphylaxis after taking it) Thus, making it harder for your body to process histamine buildup. So you wind up having MORE histamine buildup.

So what happens next? We take MORE meds to cope with the symptoms. When we take those meds it lowers it EVEN further, or makes it a chronic shortage... thus starting a very vicious cycle.

Take antihistamines -certain long term excessive use of antihistamines is capable of bringing on early onset Demensia or Alzheimers.

Long term use of certain antacids can cause stomach and esophageal cancer.

Now I personally went to the Mayo clinic. I was told food didn't matter - wrong. I was told polyps were fine - not so correct. I was told I was bipolar - again wrong. It was the effects of the symptoms from histamine overload in the brain that affects you neurologically. Told I had a migraine disorder - again wrong. Histamine overload caused depression, anxiety, sleepless nights, migraines etc. Full knowing I had a mast cell disorder - they actually prescribed a drug known to MAKE IT WORSE! I can count the ways I discovered on how wrong they were. With that being said, when an illness isn't understood and the doctors dont fully understand the full pathology of the drugs they're recommending - it can be a recipe for disaster.

But I'd be lying if I didn't say "WHAT KIND OF RACKET IS THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY RUNNING!!" Now I understand we're all human - we trust the powers that be. We all make mistakes or may not realize the future ramifications.

So when I found out a prestigious medical research institution were handing out meds like candy to us chronic sufferers that actually made our conditions worse... really ticked me off. Years of suffering that could have been mitigated, lessened. Now I'm not saying all meds are bad - not at all. They most definitely have their place.

So its important for you to understand the meds you take - believe me it can be hard to understand it. I get it! Many of these meds hijack those natural pathways for our bodies to deal with certain illness. It can cut off the pathway, then the body tries to find a new way but often the meds win. When you cut off these natural pathways and processes it causes OTHER problems. Have you noticed how autoimmune conditions, allergies, auto-inflammatory conditions are on a significant rise?? I sure have! I've noticed this mast cell problem go from RARE - to pretty common in just 7 years. The sad thing is most people with these conditions are women. Its estimated that 75% of those suffering are women.

Take for example-Gardasil produced by MERCK. Its a vaccine that is suppose to help prevent cervical cancer. So many young ladies took this med. Its a series of 3 shots - not one.

The pharmaceutical company fast tracked the med without proper testing etc cuz the word "cancer" popped up. Now a whole lot of money changed hands to make it available to the public without the proper testing. Many young ladies have died suddenly from it, suffered horrible reactions - perfectly healthy teenagers suddenly dead after 36hours of taking the shots or forever chronically ill. (do your research - its out there). That's not the only drug or vaccine known to do that. You can find many articles on how the govt knew about the vaccines causing cancer and continued to use it anyway. Why? Lesser of two evils?? Not properly tested?? Money?????

Now when you suffer a chronic illness we have our own personal pharmacy. You owe it to yourselves to understand how the drug works and how it affects you specifically. Dont be afraid to ask the doctors or pharmacists this - and if they can't answer (pharmacist should), do the leg work and research research research. You could be saving yourself or a loved one a lot of heart ache in the future. I know its not a perfect system, and we usually just trust blindly, we make mistakes, we learn - we're human!! All we want to do after all, is JUST FEEL BETTER!!

I personally kept thinking that illness is like a dragon you have to SLAY. But really its about restoring BALANCE in the body again so that those natural pathways can be restored and hopefully begin working again.

So before I said - clean eating, clean thinking, clean living has been proven time and time again to be a great place to start restoring your health. It can be a difficult and trying task. However - there's a reason Hippocrates said: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." "If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool." "Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."

All of those statements are absolutely true. Now I strive to try to make this page about HOW to heal and live better with chronic illnesses. The info about the drugs, the conditions are out there in spades. So that's why I try to focus on the clean eating, clean living etc. Lots of info out there, but not enough on HOW to do it.

I know I dropped a bit of a bomb shell and I dont expect you to just take my word for it - please by all means do the research. You may find yourself upset like I was... and then working even harder to figure out a way to heal.

There's a lot of information I just dropped - but its basic, elementary. Every human body has its own delicate 'eco-system'. Think of it like a fish tank.. if you have hard water you use certain chemicals - if algae, certain chemicals.. we all know if we dont get it right the tank suffers and water is cloudy, fish may die... because the BALANCE is off. When you get it right - it all flourishes for months without needing cleaning because the "eco-system" is "in balance".

The human body works the same way. However we're all unique and what one person's imbalance is - may not be so for another.

So its so important for you to know your meds, know your condition and fight for your own health.

But have no fear, I'm doing everything in my power to give you the necessary info to heal. Its a process. A long one.

Now Suzy Cohen is a renowned pharmacist. This article below talks about mast cells - however she has many other articles on other conditions and how the meds affect them. How to properly go about healing. Its not a concrete answer, cuz like I said - we're all a little bit different.

**Note: here are some web sites with the research posted. However, I tried to keep it to the websites that are easy to read and understand. Please keep in mind (above) has been MY research. I posted these links to help you with others who have found the same results as I did. I do not have medical journals out there stating all this with all the pathology.

Love and Light, God Bless…/histamine_intolerance_dao_genes_ha…/…/report-prolonging-antacid-use-can……/common-anticholinergic-dru……/anticholinergic-drugs-dementia-link……/MED-Diagnosis-Help……/…/origin…/pharmacological-factors/…/are-medications-sabotaging-…/…/gardasil-linked-to-deaths-an……/flaws-in-the-clinical-trials-for-gardas…

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